Carbon capture and storage - CCS and China

The environmental issue of Global Warming has bound the inhabitants of this planet to think of some resolution. Carbon capture and storage is a potentially good approach to control the carbon level in the atmosphere.

Carbon capture and storage is a process of capturing the carbon dioxide emissions from large industries and power plants.

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It captures carbon dioxide and transports to a storage chamber like underground geological formation.

China And CCS :

According to the 2011 statistics, China contributes 24% share of global emissions, more than USA and other countries. Most of this, is due to Coal, being the major source of power generatiom.

Now the need for urgent implementation of CCS in china comes into existence. Whereas china is slower in doing so. It is because using a good section of their fuels if gets used in disposing the CO2, it could lead to their domestic crisis and affect their self- sufficiency.

Its expected that, some energy efficient CCS techniques will be implemented and thus our earth will continue to be a worth-surviving planet.