Project LOON by Google

Though WWW means World Wide Web, survey says 3/4th of the world's population is still deprived of the internet access.

The major reason for this, is the unavailability of Internet signals in rural and remote places.

Intenet -access -problem

Google comes with a promising solution to reduce this unavailabilty to a large extent :- The Project Loon.

How It works :- 

A huge balloon loaded with solar charged electronic devices is kept floating in the earth's atmosphere.

LOON (moving internet source) LOON in the stratosphere
Project -loon -2 Google -project -loon -design

Some typical features of the Statosphere (a layer in the atmosphere) like the windspeed in that height is used with some programming logic to acheive its functionality.

Progress :-

30 balloons are launched in New Zealand for testing purposes in June 2013. The experience and observation of balloon reflected network will help refine and debug the technology. You can follow the updates of project loon from here.